This was our 3rd annual trip to Homer, Alaska with the kiddos, and Melman, our West Highland Terrier.
This is the view from the Highliner House. The sandhill cranes love to cruise around the property every morning.
I have a ‘thing’ for rocks. My daddy was a geologist…kinda runs in the blood I guess. 🙂
I just can’t get over how fast the kids grow up. Our daughter Kya will be a teenager in a couple months.
Our sweet boy, Shea.
We rode over to Halibut Cove on the Danny J. What a great get-a-way!
Gull Rock.
The Saltry restaurant has the most incredible food! We cleared our plates, bowls, and glasses!
I also have a ‘thing’ for wood rounds & texture.
We had the honor of meeting Mr. Clem Tillion. He was jovial, kind, and so full of wisdom. “I could never walk next to my wife of 53 years without touching her” he said. What a precious man. Here is more history about Halibut Cove:
I love all these images! and that restaurant looks too fun. Thanks for sharing.