So a lifestyle session isn’t really a new thing for me, but I’ve come to love them more and more. The whole idea of capturing LIFE as it normally occurs is so beautiful. Most kids don’t remember me taking their photo when they see me the following year, but they do remember going to “that” park and playing, or they remember the crazy girl with the camera jumping on their bed with them. Recently I got to photograph the Huey’s at their cozy home, but this session had a new member who just turned one! The girls played, made cup cakes aka: ate the batter, danced, read books, danced some more… you get the idea. The great thing about these sessions is, you don’t just get a flash drive that you “will one day order prints from” you receive a beautiful book, to treasure. I’m only with you for a few hours, but in 5 yrs from now, or even just 1 yr, you’ll remember how your children interacted with one another at that age, or their favorite dress they never wanted to take off, or that sweet lovey they carried everywhere. I hope you enjoy!
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