Not sure what to say except that I do hope this blogging becomes a regular thing for me. I used to journal A LOT, and now that I have a husband, two kids, a dog, two cats, oh! and two fish….I don’t take the time to write any thoughts down. So maybe typing will work. :/
I’ve recently picked up my camera again and fell in love with photographing pretty much everything…I spent 6 1/2 hours yesterday photographing jewelry! ( The day before that I got sooo much joy out of photographing a house (which will be used as an answered prayer to many homeless woman and children), and the day prior to that I was able to capture some last goodbyes for a young man leaving to fight for our country. I feel very blessed and privileged to be able to forever still these moments for people.
Blogs are a nice for a loose record of what you’ve been up to throughout the year and as much as a journal as I’ll ever have! They’re a good way of showcasing work that doesn’t necessarily fit on your site too.
Love your polariods! They’re so much fun, aren’t they? Do you have Photo Tools or a program like it? I think of it because I was adding polaroid ‘frames’ the other day. That program’s dangerous, how quickly I can loose track of time!
Keep up the great imagery Rhae! J
Hey James! Yes, these were my photos that I messed with on Poloaroid 9.6…it is definitely addicting!